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03.02.2020 - News article

HOW TO DO FEBRUARY TIP: Crinkle cut sticks of carrots, beetroot, radish, potato etc. with GS 10-2

Ideas for your production:

KRONEN Tip - Crinkle cut sticks of carrots, beetroot, radish, potato etc. with GS 10-2

Crinkle cut sticks of carrots, beetroot, radish, potato etc. with GS 10-2
Target: Cut long crinkle sticks of root and tuber vegetable
Machine: Belt cutting machine GS 10-2 with the 4 mm wave cutting disc knife
Result: optimum neat cut with long sticks
Capacity: About 200-300 kg vegetable can be cut per hour. The capacity depends on the cutting thickness: Cutting sticks with a larger diameter results in higher capacities.
With larger capacities the result will be a mixture of longer and shorter sticks, because the product orientation will change.

Equip the machine with the 4 mm wave cutting knife:
Belt speed: 20 %
Knife speedt: 55 %
Down holder: 75 %
Product temperature: 4-6 °C
The vegetable is cut in slices first. Important: Longish vegetable such as carrots or radish have to be pre-cut and placed crosswise on the infeed conveyor.
Those crinkle slices are put back on the conveyor in an oriented way if possible to do a second cut which results in the crinkle sticks.

More about GS 10-2