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01.12.2021 - News article

SPECIAL Applications in December: Cutting whole pineapple cylinders into bite-sized pieces

Machine: Belt cutting machine GS 10-2

From peeled pineapple cylinders to bite-sized pieces of fresh pineapple in one process step - this is possible with the GS 10-2 belt cutting machine. The peeled and cored cylinders are placed lengthwise on the infeed belt of the GS 10-2. The downholder must be set to a minimum height that is only a few millimeters less than the diameter of the cylinders so that the pineapple is not crushed. Freshly harvested pineapples are best suited for this application, as the fibrous structure of the pineapple is not yet so pronounced. The special, height-adjustable segmenting knife mounted in a standard dicing frame is then used to cut bite-sized pieces from the whole cylinder.

Capacity: up to 2.000 kg/h