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02.08.2021 - News article

Tilted vibration table

Efficient, gentle dewatering of fine-particle products such as caviar:

Products such as caviar or artificial caviar are stored and transported in brine, which must be separated from the product before further processing. This process places special demands on the dewatering process due to the small product size and sensitivity of the products. KRONEN has developed a vibration table with a tilt especially for this purpose, which gently separates the products from the brine by vibration and rinsing with fresh water.

Successfully used in the production of several customers
The vibration table is already successfully used by several customers in the processing of natural and artificial caviar (capacity up to 500 kg/hour). It is also suitable for processing other fine-particle products such as lentils (capacity up to 600 kg/hour), sunflower seeds (unpeeled, up to 300 kg/hour), nuts (peeled, up to 400 kg/hour) or even small potato cubes (10mm, up to 800 kg/hour). Products such as sesame seeds, rice, peas, beans or linseeds can also be dewatered with the tilted vibration table, as a processing step after a washing process.

The vibration table is designed to spread the products over a large surface to avoid damage and achieve efficient rinsing and dewatering. The tilt in combination with the vibration also ensures that the small products do not stick to the surface, but are gently transported over the table to the discharge. The vibrating table has a two-part tank so that the brine and fresh water can be collected separately and the brine can be reused. The vibrating screen is interchangeable, so that different hole sizes can be used, adapted to the respective product.