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07.02.2022 - News article

Spicy vegetables out of the jar

Two Food Start-ups use KRONEN machines to process vegetables in the production of Kimchi and other vegetable products:

Time saving and easily prepared products (also vegetarian and vegan) for a healthy diet are currently in huge demand. Kimchi which is fermented seasoned vegetables, thus preserved, contains nutritious ingredients and adds flavour to a variety of dishes. Two German Start-up companies are serving the market with Kimchi and other vegetable products and beverages and since 2021 have increased production capacity due to the installation of KRONEN machines.

Besides vegetable products and beverages both Start-ups produce Kimchi through natural fermentation from a variety of chopped vegetables seasoned with spices. During the fermentation process the lactic acid preserves the chopped vegetables and alters their taste. Since last year both companies have been processing the vegetables with the GS 10-2 belt cutting machine which they use specially to cut cabbage to size and carrots into sticks. They also use the GEWA washing machine with vibration discharge and the K230 salad and fine foods mixer. This ensures optimal processing quality is maintained and production capacity is increased.

One of the Start-ups has been on the market since 2017 with products fermented and made in the traditional way now selling across Europe in large numbers to organic food shops as well as through the company owned online shop. The second Start-up has been producing fermented products since 2020 selling them in some supermarkets in Germany and the company website shop.

These fermented products are perfect as an ingredient or as a side dish for a variety of dishes and with their nutritional value contribute to a healthy diet. Using KRONEN´s user-friendly machines with Hygienic Design and optimal processing quality ensures perfect preparation of ingredients for a top-quality end product.

Photo credits:

Kimchi in a jar: Antonina Vlasova/
Cabbage: Elenia Photo/