
SPIRELLO 150 vegetable spiral cutting machine

The classic model for modern and fresh cuisine: automatic cutting of decorative vegetable spirals or strips of supreme quality – for vegan spaghetti or in fresh salads

340 kg/hCapacidad máx.
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Máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN para cortar espirales o tiras de vegetales decorativos con la más alta calidad: espagueti vegano de zanahoria, patata, calabaza, rábano, calabacín, apio, palmito y otros tipos de hortalizas y frutas firmes

Sus beneficios

  • Perfect and consistent cutting quality at high processing speeds
  • High yield with minimal waste thanks to intelligent cutting technology
  • Large selection of cutting tools for different product sizes 
  • Low personnel requirement: only 1 person is necessary to operate the machine
  • Easy operation and cleaning due to good accessibility 

Grupos de productos


Exemplary in precision and performance: cuts large quantities of colorful vegetable spirals

The SPIRELLO 150 is a cutting machine for processing large quantities of vegetables into perfect and decorative spirals or strips. 
A colorful variety of products such as carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, radishes, zucchini/courgettes, celery or other firm vegetables and fruits can be cut cleanly and in a matter of seconds. The SPIRELLO 150 impresses users with its high precision, durability and efficiency. 

With up to 680 revolutions per minute, the SPIRELLO 150 cuts vegetables into meter-long spirals within seconds. These spirals can then optionally can be shortened using a length limit knife via interval switching with seven levels.

The machine is equipped with removable magazines, one of which can be fitted with the raw product while the vegetable in the second magazine is processed. This means that the SPIRELLO 150 can be operated without interruption. An optimal cutting result is achieved via a variable speed control with seven levels depending on the nature of the product. 

The machine has an automatic separation system for good product and waste product. The SPIRELLO 150 impresses users with a extremely minimal amount of waste because the vegetable product is completely cut into spirals – except for a very small piece from the top.

An optional discharge belt is available for fast and effective discharge.

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Spirello 150 - Cortar espirales de vegetales
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Spirello 150 - Cortar espirales de vegetales decorativos
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Con la innovadora máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN, es posible procesar los vegetales de manera eficiente con un porcentaje mínimo de residuos.

High productivity – minimal waste

Good product and waste product are automatically separated. The SPIRELLO 150 impresses users with an extremely minimal amount of waste because the vegetable product is completely cut into spirals – except for a small piece from the top. The integrated PLC control also allows flexible conversion of the machine to suit the product or product size being processed. 

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Amplia variedad de espirales con excelentes resultados de corte mediante la máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN.

Excellent cutting results – in every format

The SPIRELLO 150 cuts large quantities of vegetables into meter-long, decorative spirals quickly and cleanly. These spirals can optionally be shortened using a length limit knife via interval switching (seven levels). An optimal cutting result is always achieved. The vegetables are held in place by product centering devices, which are adapted to the product according to the customer's wishes (processing of vegetables with a diameter of up to 150 mm, length of up to 300 mm, and weight of max. 2.5 kg).

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La máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN es fácil de usar.

Simple operation and outstanding performance

The SPIRELLO 150 can be operated by just one person and without interruption – at up to 680 revolutions per minute.
Equipped with two interchangeable magazines, the SPIRELLO 150 can be filled with raw product without having to interrupt the processing of the vegetables. Knives can be changed quickly and effortlessly to suit different products or product characteristics.

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La máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN ha sido diseñada de la mejor manera para el empleo y el mantenimiento seguros y rápidos, así como para una higiene ideal.  v

Optimal maintenance and cleaning 

The robust stainless steel construction makes the SPIRELLO 150 ideal for long, low-maintenance use. The fully accessible interior and smooth surfaces allow quick and easy cleaning and maximum hygiene.

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Para la máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN, se encuentran disponibles múltiples soportes para los productos más pequeños a los más grandes.
Versatile product holders for product-adapted spiral cuts

The SPIRELLO 150 is suitable for a wide range of products and spiral cutting shapes. Various centering units are available:  30–60 mm (e.g. for thinner zucchini/courgettes, carrots), 50–90 mm (e.g. for radishes, zucchini/courgettes, carrots in medium sizes) and 90–150 mm (e.g. for butternut squash, kohlrabi, celeriac).

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Máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN - Mediante una amplia variedad de accesorios de cuchilla, se obtienen largos espirales de diferentes grosores.
Large selection of knife inserts

With a variety of knife inserts, the SPIRELLO 150 can produce different spiral thicknesses: 2 x 2 mm,  2 x 3 mm, 2 x 4 mm,  2 x 10 mm,  3 x 3 mm or  4 x 5 mm.

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Accesorios KRONEN
Shorten long vegetable spirals flexibly and as needed  

The SPIRELLO 150 cuts large quantities of vegetables into meter-long spirals or strips. These can be shortened with a length limit knife via interval switching (seven levels). 

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Máquina cortadora de vegetales SPIRELLO 150 de KRONEN - Con el soporte para herramientas, todas las cuchillas y los soportes para los productos (unidades de centrado) se almacenan de forma segura y están siempre al alcance de la mano.
Stand for practical accessory storage

Knife inserts and product holders are stored clearly, safely and within easy reach in this stand. 

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50 - 340 kg/h

La capacidad depende, entre otras cosas, del producto.

Electrical power Power 0.9 kW
Voltage 230 V N/PE
Frequency 50 Hz
Dimensions LxWxH 600 x 845 x 1700 mm
Weight 180 kg
Air Working pressure 6 bar
Miscellaneous Length of raw product max. 300 mm
The data indicated are standard information. In addition, adaptation to other supply networks (e.g. 230V/60 Hz) is optionally possible (except for manual and pneumatic machines). Subject to changes.

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